Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Leverage the power of our Automate Boring Assistants to carry out your boring, repetitive and tedious tasks

Experience Efficiency Like Never Before

Dive into the transformative world of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with Automate Boring. In today’s fast-paced business environment, staying ahead means embracing innovation, and RPA is at the forefront of this revolution. Our RPA solutions are designed to streamline your business processes, enhance productivity, and free up your team to focus on strategic growth.

RPA at Automate Boring is not just about technology; it's about creating a smarter, more efficient way of working. Our bots are tailored to automate routine, repetitive tasks, reducing error rates and increasing efficiency. From data entry and invoice processing to customer service and report generation, our solutions cover a broad spectrum of business functions.

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, our RPA solutions are scalable and customizable to fit your unique needs. Embrace the power of automation with Automate Boring and transform the way you do business. Get ready to step into a world where efficiency is effortless, and innovation is routine.

Quickly and Easily Automate Your Boring, Repetitive and Tedious Tasks

Automate Boring Assistants (ABAs) are automated virtual assistants that can work on ANY software or platform. If a human can do it at the computer (online or offline), it can be automated. No more boring tasks you don't want to do. Simply record yourself doing the task once, then never do it again.

Works with ANY software you already use

Uses the computer like you do now

Don’t need to replace existing systems or processes

Operates 24/7!

Increase Productivity and Save Money

Imagine reclaiming precious hours in your day and maximizing your budget—all made possible through our cutting-edge automation solutions. Our commitment is simple: to help you save time and money effortlessly. By automating tedious, repetitive tasks, we empower you to focus on what truly matters—innovation, growth, and achieving your goals. With Automate Boring, your operations become streamlined, errors are minimized, and productivity soars. Say goodbye to time-consuming manual processes and hello to a future where your resources are optimized for success. Just one of our Automate Boring Assistants working 24x7 for a month would give you an additional 544 hours of error-free productivity. Let us be your partner in transforming the way you work, ensuring every moment and penny is invested wisely. Elevate your efficiency with Automate Boring—the key to unlocking a world where your time and money work for you.

Some of the Many Tasks We Automate for Our Clients

  • Invoice Entry: Inputting vendor invoice details into accounting software.
  • Order Processing: Inputting new customer orders from various sales channels into a centralized system.
  • Employee Time Tracking: Logging hours worked by employees into HR or payroll software.
  • Expense Reporting: Entering travel or other business-related expenses into expense management software.
  • Inventory Updates: Inputting received goods into inventory management systems.
  • Customer Contact Updates: Updating CRM systems with new or changed customer contact details.
  • Event Registrations: Entering details of attendees for an upcoming event or seminar.
  • Bank Transaction Logging: Entering bank transaction details into accounting software for reconciliation.
  • Tax Form Input: Filling in financial details on tax preparation software or spreadsheets.
  • Product Listing Updates: Entering new products or updating existing ones in e-commerce platforms.
  • Ticketing Systems: Logging new customer service requests or issues.
  • Feedback Surveys: Inputting results from customer or employee feedback forms into databases.
  • Employee Onboarding: Entering details of new employees into HR systems.
  • Billing Details: Logging details of billed services or products for clients.
  • Loan Applications: Entering details of loan applicants into banking systems.
  • Membership Management: Updating details of new or renewing members in association or club databases.
  • Loyalty Program Updates: Entering transaction or point details for loyalty program members.
  • Insurance Claim Logging: Inputting details of new insurance claims.
  • Shipping Tracking: Logging shipment or package details into tracking systems.
  • Patient Records: Entering patient diagnoses, treatments, and other details into healthcare systems.

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!

Scale Your Business Bigger and Faster

  • 50-70% reduction in operational costs
  • up to 10x faster implementation than other solutions
  • 30-50% increase in customer retention rates
  • 15-30% growth rate increase
  • Ability to scale robot employees from 1 to 1000 in 60 minutes or less
  • Significant reduction in error rate and error response handling
  • Available in 99 languages
  • Does not require software replacement or upgrades
  • Replicates existing human use and workflows of existing online and offline solutions
  • Extract data from invoices, pdfs
  • Reads handwriting
  • Integrates with ChatGPT

See Our Automate Boring Assistants (ABAs) in Action

Automated Audience Engagement and Email List Building
Automated Lead Generation Through LinkedIn
Automating the Adding and Verifying of New Users in Google Workspace

How It Works


You record a video of the repetitive task or process you do on your computer via a software such Zoom or Loom, and send it to our team.


We'll take your recording and create an Automate Boring Assistant (ABA) within 7 to 14 days that duplicates your task or process.


We'll deploy your Automate Boring Assistant, monitor the results and ensure it is working effectively and efficiently.

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!

How Automate Boring is Different from Other Providers

  • Automate ANY Software or Platform

Unlike other solutions that are limited to having to use APIs with limited functionality to connect software and platforms, AB utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to replicate human-like behavior on ANY software even if there is no API for it. So we can quickly and easily automate your custom and/or legacy systems.

  • Affordability

We provide you with the automation of your tasks for a flat fee per month - no software licensing or per task fees. We provide you with Automate Boring Assistants that you can deploy unlimited tasks and have them working for you 24/7. Plus, we can integrate with your existing automation systems to leverage what you have already paid for and enhance your capabilities at a fraction of the cost of starting from scratch.

  • Speed of Implementation

AB is up to 10x faster to implement, allowing you to realize the benefits of automation in record time. Rapidly maximize your investment with solutions ready to deploy in hours instead of months!

  • Offline Capability

We offer offline operation, a feature not commonly found in other platforms.

Get started today by scheduling a time to speak with the Automate Boring Team!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get started?

Super Fast! The Automate Boring team can activate your systems within 1 business day. Once you complete the Task Design process which can take as little as 1 hour our team will start building your Automate Boring Assistants. This can 7 to 14 business days to complete.

Can we scale with Automate Boring?

Unlimited Scaling Options! With Automate Boring you pay for Automate Boring Assistants not tasks. This means you can have one Automate Boring Assistant doing 100 different tasks per day. You can scale up or down as many bots as you need when you need them. You can activate 100 Automate Boring Assistants within 1 hour if needed.

With Automate Boring you pay for Automate Boring Assistants not tasks. This means you can have one Automate Boring bot doing 100 different tasks per day. You can scale up or down as many as you need when you need them. You can activate 100 Automate Boring Assistants within 1 hour if needed.

How does pricing work?

Plans to Fit Your Needs and Budget!

With Automate Boring you pay for Automate Boring Assistants not tasks. All of your plans include.

- Unlimited task design, development per month.

- 24/7 Automate Boring Assistant management and optimization of workflows.

- Access to the Automate Boring team via private Slack channel.

- Each Automate Boring Assistant includes a Virtual Desktop that is secure to operate the dedicated tasks for you.

This provides Rapid Scaling options.

You don’t need to worry about bot licenses or platform licenses.

Fixed monthly subscription not additional setup fees, customization or build out fees for your Automate Boring automations.


AutomateBoring LLC

4021 W WALNUT ST #1013 ROGERS; AR 72756


Phone: (479) 351-0355‬